Wednesday, March 12, 2014

One year blogiversary!

It was a year ago today that I started this blog, and despite not having as much hobby time as I'd like, I'm proud of what I've done over the past year (plus the few months I was painting before blogging about it). I want to thank every visitor, from the one-time readers who found me via Google to all the regulars, who make blogging about this peculiar niche of a niche of a niche of a hobby completely worth it. Thanks especially to everyone who's ever left a comment, and to all the folks who follow CFM or put it on their blogroll. I've still got a ton of project ideas, so here's to another great year of Cheap Fantasy Minis!


  1. Congratulations! That is a really impressive collection. You should be proud -- it looks like the majority are conversions!

  2. Happy "bloganniversary" !
    and many thanks for sharing with us your excellent and useful work !

  3. Impressive amount of painted fantasy figures! And congrats on the anniversary!

