Saturday, November 15, 2014

Photos of the new Caesar Miniatures fantasy sets!

I mentioned these before. I just stumbled upon these preview shots on a Russian minis forum.
Pretty sweet to finally see what these look like. They all look pretty great, though I'm not sure the painjobs and photography do them justice. They all seem to be of the same magical, not-flat casting that Caesar is known for. The lizardmen have a thick, primitive look to them, and the ratmen look suitably short and nasty. The zombies are duly shambling and horrible; the crawling poses are a particularly nice touch. The modern zombies largely look like they would fit in with their fantasy counterparts, if not vice versa.

These images are being hosted by a Russian hobby shop, which suggests to me that these figures should be for sale soon. I have no idea when, of course, but stay tuned! In the meantime, what do you all think of Caesar's new offerings?

Update (11/20): Michigan Toy Company has these in their catalogue for pre-order, including most of the same preview shots as above. Here, here, and here.


  1. I can't wait. I also bought Cthulhu!!! The figures of the investigators are pretty close to large 1/72. The cultists are giants.

    1. Likewise!

      The cultists are a little tall, but the proportions are otherwise about right for 1/72. I figure I'll lop off just a bit of their robes along with the base before gluing them to washers, and they'll look just fine.

  2. Not exactly what I'm interested for, but look good.
    11 poses only ? ... are you sure that they are 1/72 ?

    1. I think they mean there are 11 unique poses, of which there are duplicates. Caesar's other fantasy sets, for example, tended to have about 10 unique poses with 4 of each pose, plus a command figure or two.

  3. Looking forward to the release of these sets! I like them all!


  4. The rats and lizard ones look fun, and possibly the ist set of Zombies..not too sure about the modern ones.

  5. Lizardmen, Ratmen, and Zombies arrived today from Michigan Toy Company! Great sculpts and castings. Should go well with Caesar/Miniknight, Alliance, Splintered Light 20mm, etc.

    1. Cool! Not sure if or when I'll pick these up myself. Got any spares :).
