They're doing it again. Reaper's third Kickstarter for their much-favored Bones line of plastic minis launches tomorrow morning. I had some fun
live-blogging the first day of their last Kickstarter; we'll see if I have time to do so this time.
Update (7/7, 10:05 am):
It's live! Already some interesting small minis, animals, and giants that would fit my purposes. They're saying that minis in different sizes will be a focus this time, so this may be very interesting to me. PS: it's already funded, of course.
(10:48): Okay, I backed it. Wave 2 shipping! They're behind on their updates, understandably, but there should be more to come. I've decided a day at the zoo with the little one might be better than hitting refresh on the KS page all day. I'll be back later.
By the way, you can help me justify my expense by
taking advantage of my sales page :).
(1:55): I'm back! What'd I miss?
Hey, rewards updates! None of the add-ons seem too amazing yet. I like the yetis in the core set, and the torture room stuff is promising. Scenics seem to be a bit undersized in Bones, so they might be adaptable to the Scale of Choice.
(9:40 pm): New rewards! I'm sort of tempted by the Stonehenge scenery, but it's a little rich for me. We'll have to see.
Does it seem like the new rewards aren't coming as quickly this time around? Either people are bidding more slowly, or Reaper has spaced them out a little more. Not complaining, just an observation.
(7/8, 10:57 am): A new day, a new stretch goal. Hey look, ogres! And they're core! Interested in these.
Stonehenge, I just noticed, is huge, dwarfing even Sir Forscale. Way too big for 1/72, so I feel okay about passing.
(7/10): Any future updates I'd like to make will be in a new post, I think. Stretch goals are certainly slower than I remember; a quick comparison
between this and the
last Kickstarter on Kicktraq shows that pledges are indeed coming more slowly this time, which I guess is not surprising. So it's not as exciting to watch, but they're still set to clear $1 mil by the end of the day, which by any standard is still excellent.
By the way, I like the arsenal update. Even though the weapons may be oversized for my purposes, I can think of enough uses for them that I may even spring for two sets.